*در زمان شلوغی کافه از زمان سرو به مدت ۱ ساعت پذیرای شما هستیم .

*۱۰ درصد مالیات بر ارزش افزوده بر مبنای الزام قانونی محاسبه میشود.

With art ,
We create a thinking world.

Art, as feeling, exists in the purgatorial balance between control and lack thereof. I believe the feeling of art should only be controlled in order to create a visual, physical, or aural representation of itself. Only then, when our society can relate to art as a form and forum for emotion, do we truly achieve artistic success and social change. I call to every member of our society to contribute to artistic creation because we are a community of feeling beings.  Thus, because we feel, we are artists. Even if our contribution is only one small drawing, poem, or a cup of coffee, we have the ability to spark a question or phrase in someone else's mind. With art, we create a thinking world.